Fibre optics directly to the office but also at home
Meet the digital challenge and widely disseminate fibre optics, these are the objective set by the municipal team. For several years, a close working partnership with contractor companies on Internet networks today has lead to the gradual installation of the fibre in the territory of the agglomeration community. Of course, Manosque is a part of this! The areas of economic activity have been worked on to accommodate and meet the needs of innovative companies. Fibre optics is a component of economic development entrusted to the DLVA, but also a tool of comfort and leisure for the inhabitants of the Basin. This progress is accompanied by significant road works and networks, and is a major investment. This development work is held consistent with the spatial planning. Elected representatives and technicians reflect on the relevance of amenities in their entirety and integrate them logically, in terms of general interest, aimed at access to digital technology for as many people as possible.