Games for all ages

The library is a cultural service open to the Manosque population. It lends games and toys to the general public, and proposes fun activities. The Manosque toy and game library is open to nurseries, daycare centre and specialised centres. It is a resource for parents and professionals. The Manosque toy and game library helps children grow and promotes positive recreational time for families.

How the library works

Membership of the Manosque library is compulsory. Open to unaccompanied children aged from 6 years old. Children aged under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 9.30am to 11.30am and 4.30pm to 6.30pm all year. During school holidays: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Entrance: €1.00. Game loan: €1.00 for 3 weeks

Practical information

Ludothèque de Manosque (Manosque toy and game library) Centre de l’enfance Robert Honde Place Pierre de Coubertin 04100 Manosque Tel. 04 92 71 09 89 Fax. 04 92 71 00 97