The Local Urbanism Plan (PLU) is a legal document.

It describes the town’s overall project for development and establishes the regulations for planning and use of land which are then applicable to any town planning permit request. The Local Urbanism Plan includes several documents.  

The Local Urbanism Plan presentation report

This document cannot be opposed. It includes a diagnostic of the town’s situation with regard to economic and farming development, the development of space and urbanism, housing, transport, trade, the environment, as well as equipment and services. On the basis of this diagnostic, it explains and justifies the choices made to establish the planning and sustainable development project (Projet d’Aménagement et de Développement Durables or PADD), planning orientation and programming, as well as the regulations.


The planning and sustainable development project (Projet d’Aménagement et de Développement Durables or PADD)

This is a policy document which explains the town’s project. It defines the general orientation for policies regarding planning and urbanism, landscaping, protection of farming and natural land, housing, transport, digital communication development, trade, the economic and recreational development.

The orientations for planning and programming (orientations d’aménagement et de programmation or OAP)

According to the PADD’s objectives, the OAP establishes the measures for planning and for transport and housing in the identified areas.

PLU regulations

The PLU determines the rules for use of land which govern town planning permits (eg. height of buildings, distance from the route, percentage of green spaces, etc.) These rules vary according to the zone in which the lot is situated. These zones are identified in the plans included in the regulations.

The PLU annexes

Includes: public service easements, reserved areas, sanitary system annexes, boundaries for pre-emption rights, etc.


Revision of the PLU

A general revision of the PLU was ordered by deliberation on the 12th of February 2015. A register for consultation is available at the town planning office so that the population can record their observations or remarks. The documents associated with this procedure will be made available to the population progressively as they are created.

Practical information

Service urbanisme (town planning department) Hôtel de Ville de Manosque 04100 Manosque