To vote in Manosque, citizens must register on the electoral roll.

Registration is a voluntary act of citizenship. However, citizens under 18 are automatically registered on the electoral roll by INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) if they were in the Manosque census at the age of 16.  

How to register

To register on the electoral roll, you must be aged at least 18, be of French nationality (or a European citizen), and have political and citizenship rights. Register at the Manosque town hall’s Formalities Administratives (administrative formalities) department, with proof of identity and address or on internet. Voters can register from the 1st of January to the 31st of December for the following year. Registration is taken into account when the rolls are closed on the 28th or 29th February. Electoral cards are sent to new voters in March. Only voters registered before the 31st of December, voters aged 18 registered by INSEE, and voters who have changed address and changed polling station will receive a new card in March.  

Change of address

Registered voters must inform the municipality of a change of address in order to be attributed to the right polling station and district, and to receive electoral correspondence (propaganda, electoral card). For information: the postal service does not transfer electoral correspondence.